Arduino Relais Schaltung. Learn how to use relay with arduino how relay works how to connect relay to arduino how to code for relay how to program arduino step by step. Almost any sensor can be used to trigger the relay to turn on or off.
The detail instruction code wiring diagram video tutorial line by line code explanation are provided to help you quickly get started with arduino. Panasonic hc x1000 https amzn to 2dxirqzauf nachfrage hier der paypal für direktspenden https www paypal me et5m anzeige. When motion is detected your lamp lights up.
Lampe per klatschen an und ausschalten mit dem arduino.
Im video zeige ich den anschluss eines relais an den arduino und die ansteueru. After uploading the code and wiring the circuit you can test your setup. 8 channel 5v relay shield module. Ture 15 2 module relais anschliessen arduino.