Bc548 Schaltung. It is notably often the first type of bipolar transistor hobbyists encounter and is often featured in designs in hobby electronics magazines where a general purpose transistor is required. Bc548 is another general purpose widely used transistor that can be easily get from reputable electronic components store this transistor also have bunch of good features on the basis of which one can use it in their electronic circuit it can handle maximum current of 500ma which is enough to drive many other components such as ics other transistors portion of a circuits relays leds etc.
Bc546 bc547 bc548 bc549 bc550 rev. Erklärung der 3 wichtigsten transistor grundschaltungen kollektorschaltung emitterschaltung und basisschaltung. Onsemi alldatasheet datasheet datasheet search site for electronic.
Amplifier transistors npn silicon bc548 datasheet bc548 circuit bc548 data sheet.
Wobei 2 led s an einer 9 volt batterie auch nicht grad kurz. Bc548 is another general purpose widely used transistor that can be easily get from reputable electronic components store this transistor also have bunch of good features on the basis of which one can use it in their electronic circuit it can handle maximum current of 500ma which is enough to drive many other components such as ics other transistors portion of a circuits relays leds etc. Bc546 bc547 bc548 bc549 bc550 rev. Brief description of bc548 bc548 is a npn transistor so the collector and emitter will be left open reverse biased when the base pin is held at ground and will be closed forward biased when a signal is provided to base pin.