Led Transistor Schaltung. Schaltung 2 led schalter mit einem transistor eine led verhält sich anders wie eine glühbirne eine led leuchtet erst ab einer bestimmten spannung. The circuit described in this video shows how an npn transistor can be used to switch on an led.
So you see how the transistor allows a circuit to be an led driver. In this circuit diagram all leds blink as a moving in one direction. Therefore the current will be amplified by 100 which is 0 5ma 100 50ma.
Therefore the current will be amplified by 100 which is 0 5ma 100 50ma.
Alan walker force ncs release music provided by nocopyrightsounds watch. The transistor used in this experiment was picked randomly from a box of salvaged components it was a bc238b npn type low power general purpose transistor. How to make simple led flasher using transistorfollow us on website. One transistor c1815 blinking led music 1.