Pnp Npn Transistor Schaltung. The arrow head is always at emitter and shows the direction of conventional current. Npn and pnp transistors are bipolar junction transistors and it is a basic electrical and electronic component which is used to build many electrical and electronic projects.
The arrow head is always at emitter and shows the direction of conventional current. In both types the first crystal is called the emitter. The operation of these transistors involves both electrons and holes.
So these are the main concepts of npn vs pnp transistors.
The arrow head is always at emitter and shows the direction of conventional current. A pnp bipolar transistor has a thin layer of n type crystals placed between two p type crystals figure 2b. If you would like to search for more articles on this site for any topic see our search engine. A pnp transistor functions the total opposite way.